Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pondok Baca Rotary System

1 . AIMS

· To increase children reading interest
· To make Pondok Baca, as an interesting place for local community
· To increase society's awareness in reading


People live in remote and suburb areas and outskirt parts


For the first time, location chosen that’s easier to be reached by every Rotary Club. To maintain the early stage of monitoring system, each Rotary Club suppose to select easy location
Example :
· A complex of primary school.
· Communities area such as RT – RW.
· The worship places.


Rotary Club does not set up the building for the small libraries. We only provide based on support or cooperative work. The MoU must be signed first for running the complete 5 years of Pondok Baca Program. A dependence individual will be needed as a correspondent between small libraries (Pondok Baca) and theRotary Club
The reading corner should be better if the place have a good air circulation, clean and provide bright lighting


There must be two Rotarians in charge to manage the Pondok Baca during five years. Every six months, the Pondok Baca have to make report to continue the program to Rotary Club involved The small library must select three members of management :
· Chairperson
· Secretary
· Treasurer
Two assistants will be needed to operate the Pondok Baca activities. The previously must be trained to have a basic knowledge of library. Accordingly, they will be given monthly based salary


· For the first year, we support books with $ 575 USD and the for the second year $ 585 USD For the third, forth, and the fifth year, did not know yet.
· Help the assistants who run the Pondok Baca’s fee every month during the five years @ Rp 100.000,-.
· Only for the first year, we support for making three bookshelves with $ 150 USD and support the training on basic library’s skill, (2 Pondok Baca assistants @ Rp. 200.000,-).

. Supporting books for the second year will start at the first of the Rotary Year in July.


Within five years, we wish every Pondok Baca could expand and succeed in getting their autonomy


As we know, the literacy promotion in recent and following years, will become one of the main agendas of Rotary International. Likewise, we also acknowledgement that there’s need to increase our children potential in improving their future, particularly what it takes in the globalization era.
Thus, we must start from now on, to help them by increasing their reading interest so that they can grasp something better and come out of the box.


· Variety of books. It will be good to balance the selection of books, such as formal
education, popular knowledge, good comics, novel, hobby books, religious books,
music, sports, reference books and others.
· Pondok Baca gives away member card.
· Pondok Baca gives away small award for the best member / reader of the month.
· Pondok Baca’s book keeper or treasurer who is in charge in the school areas and
community areas, must be a dependence individual.
· To assist the Pondok Baca finance, we would be glad to receive donation and
contribution from Rotarians or anyone who visit the library.


· We would like to get regular report based on six months of our Pondok Baca’s
member’s activity. It’s important to make decision of any progress of each Pondok
· We are looking forward to share the experiences, thoughts and ideas of our Pondok
Baca’s members. By setting up regular meeting.
· We would like to discuss proposed events to make the involvement of Pondok Baca’s
members throughout the D3400.

Alamat: Jl. Taman Cibeunying Selatan no 39 Bandung 40114
T/F. +62227279507
Bandung , 4th March 2006

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Board

The Advisors

District Governor & Past District Governors

Rotary International District 3400 Indonesia

The Commissioner Chairperson
Rtn. Mieke Komar

She's a Professor in Law at Padjajaran Univeristy, Bandung and now works all day long as a Judge at the Indonesian Supreme Court in Jakarta.

The Vice Commissioner
PP Mohamad Suleiman Hidayat

A prominent person in Indonesian Real Estate business and now he is the Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce

The Controller Chairperson
DG Sudjatmiko

Graduated from ITB, now he is an activist in exploring Gem-Stone resources and has a complete workshop and a nice outlet.

The Vice Controller
PP Guustaaf Husni Erwinn

Still active as a leader of a Construction Company and the chairman of the Association for Advancement of Small Business.

Member of the Controller
PP Achmad Tossin

He loves very much his MARA BROADCASTING.

Member of the Controller
PP Siti Rahayu Hadiman

She is a lecture of Padjajaran University in Bandung and always busy with Seminar in labour law.

The President
PP Lies Nusyirwan

She has an academic background in textile, now she's waiting for friends who want to dine in her West-Java traditional restaurants.

The Vice President
PP Ranina Widjojo

an Architect who has fun to run her Ranina Jewelry

The Secretary
Rtn Lucia Ratna Marthani

she's the Manager of Prudendial Life Assurance agency

The Vice Secretary
Rtn Diana Gustiana

As a young engineer, she starts her own company in developing houses for the middle class.

The Treasurer
Rtn Margaretha Teguh

She's a good banker.

The Vice Treasurer
Rtn Maria Sri Astuti

She is the Manager of Prodia Medical Test in Bandung.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Pondok Baca "Suradadi" managed by RC Bali Kuta

The library of "Suradadi" established in the 1st November 2002. In 2006 joined the 100 Pondok Baca Rotary Indonesia Program and launched at 25th April 2006.
Firstly, the members are 95 children. Up to now there are 147 children involved; some of them has been at the junior high school.

Members of Pondok Baca "Suradadi" with PP Al Purwa, Rtn Frans, PP Hans, and other Rotarians from RC Hilversum - West (14.05.2007)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Speech from Mrs Retna Abdul Rachman - The Commissioner Chairperson of The Bandung Traffic Garden(YayasanTaman Lalu Lintas)

Ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of Mr. Nazaruddin who is the founder of our traffic garden or the Taman Lalu Lintas(TLL), at this moment he is ill and we hope for his recovery also on behalf of the other members of the board who are not able to meet and welcome you to our TLL, I thank you for your attention, in particular :

To Mr. Hans Westerveld - Chairman of The Stichting Kansarme Kinderen Indonesie.
Mr. Frans van den Brink - Secretary of The Stichting Kansarme Kinderen Indonesie.

To you both gentlemen and your friends from Rotary Club Hilversum-West, on behalf of the board I congratulate you on the birthday of the Queen of the Netherlands on 30th April isn't it?. Once again congratulation. Further, to Mr. Sujatmiko - District Governor Rotary International D3400, Mrs. Margaretha - President of the Rotary Club Bandung Kota Kembang and last but not least to Mrs. Lies Nusyirwan - Past President of the Rotary Club Bandung Kota Kembang, the District Officer on Literacy Promotion Chairperson and the Chair of the Yayasan Pondok Baca Rotary Indonesia.

I very appreciate your willingness to attend the opening ceremony of the children library which we call the Pondok Baca TLL and we are thankfull to the Rotary Club Bandung Kota Kembang that from now on the public of Bandung in particular the children can enjoy reading in the Pondok Baca TLL.

Allow me to inform you more about the TLL, when it was build, on what basic principals or reasons it is maintained and proceed until today. It's quite a long story but I'll make it short and it takes only a few minutes of your time.

TLL or the Bandung Traffic Garden was planned in 1954 by the board for traffic safety and being an educational organization and incorporated body, It's members consist of varoius governments offices, personnels as well as of educational and social organization in Bandung. Only after having faced various and serious problems, finally the board has been able to carried out the building of TLL, and on the 1st March 1958 It was opened to public in a crowded ceremony.

TLL is an educational establishment. Containing all kinds of attractions and facilities for children and schoolpupils in particular, so that we might apply; while playing entertaining and practising, in order to get to traffic discipline, good behavior, good manners on the streets.

It is worth mentioning that while in much countries where the building and maintaining of a traffic playing ground has been carried out by local minicipal government with special annual budget but TLL, for its continious operations depends entirely on ticket fares for entrance, playing tools and other playing facilities for children.

In fact, TLL is a medium to operate and reach its main function and purpose, and that is traffic education.

Traffic education is not the same as traffic information. As it is seriously concerned with education in general sense and therefore by using schoolteachers as medium to arrange educational programmes for school pupils in particular, extensive and successful result may be expected.

And so is the Pondok Baca, also a medium to stimulate children to read books. Therefore I hope the Pondok Baca TLL will always makes itself useful, now and in the future to come.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me finish my speech and thank you again.

Bandung, 3 Mei 2007

Retna Abdul Rachman,
Ketua Dewan Pembina YTLL-AISN

The Opening of Pondok Baca "Taman Lalu-Lintas (Children Traffic Garden)" - RC Bandung Kota Kembang

PP Hans Westerveld did the opening

In front of Pondok Baca Bandung Traffic Garden "Ade Irma Suryani Nasution"

Children, members of Bandung Traffic Garden in action

Members of RC Bandung Kota Kembang & RC Hilversum - West