Monday, August 29, 2005

Rtn Frans J.M. van den Brink

"Every morning when you wake up
there begins a new world for yourself,
but also for those millions,
which are so easy to forget"
Rtn Frans J. M. van den Brink
A dear fellow Rotarian from RC Hilversum-West. He loves children very much..never stop lending his hand to help many D3400 programs. He loves Indonesia too and often attended D3400 Conferences to visit his club joint programs with many Rotary Clubs in Central ofJava, Bali, Makassar and Bandung.

In the first years of being the member of RC Hilversum -West in 1987, he was very much involved in helping polio eradication in Indonesia. Yes, Frans , Hans Westerveld and all the team from Rotary Clubs from the Netherlands . Billions Rupiahs were sent to Indonesia.

But now, in the new millenium, Frans sees that children he loves, have to get a good education and free from illiteracy. He with his fellow Rotarians in Hilversum-West work hard again to raise funds and his best friend, Wouter Stips just went back to Hilversum after a two months stay in Indonesia to finish his new book which will be donated to 100 small libraries ( pondok baca ).
This article is signed by his favorite sunflower, Have a Nice Day to You All..!!!

Lezen Voor de Toekomst!

Kinderen in Indonesië zijn leergierig, lezen heel graag. Maar het is vrijwel onmogelijk om op een voor hen bereikbare manier aan boeken te komen. In samenwerking met de Indonesische Rotary clubs is het plan opgevat om 100 kleine buurtbibliotheekjes te openen.

Wouter Stips vertrekt in juni 2005 voor een 2-tal maanden naar Indonesië en zal daar - met hulp van een tolk - praten met kinderen over de sprookjes en verhalen die zij kennen. Dit materiaal zal hij ter plekke in zijn eigen stijl omzetten in teksten, prenten en schilderijen en dat alles wordt tezamen een prachtig fullcolour kijk- en (voor)lees-boek voor kinderen. En natuurlijk komen deze boeken als eerste in de schappen van de nieuwe bibliotheekjes.Het boek wordt in beide landen uitgegeven en krijgt een oplage van 5000 ex. in het Nederlands en 5000 ex. in het Indonesisch. De opbrengst van deze verkopen wordt gebruikt om de 100 bibliotheekjes in te richten. Van een aantal kunstwerken die Wouter voor het boek maakt worden zeefdrukken gemaakt. De oplage van elke prent wordt 200 ex., genummerd en gesigneerd door de kunstenaar. Een groot deel van de opbrengst van deze oplage komt ten goede van het project.

De boeken worden najaar 2005 gedrukt. Het eerste exemplaren zullen door de hoogste Indonesische bestuurders in februari 2006 tijdens een feestelijk cultureel gala op een ludieke wijze worden aangeschaft.

Resource: (please view the website and click the Projecten)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Wouter Stips:"Even Children need reading".

The future of our planet..
does not lie in the hands of adults,
but rather in those of our children.
The young minds' intellectual capacity..
is not a product of tomorrow.
It is in fact heavily dependent on..
what happens today.
After all our world today...
is a world of struggle and accomplishment.

Children need to equip themselves with good reading, even from fiction. They will find out things that they never know exist.

Wouter Stips made this remarks among other things, when Soni Farid Maulana, a reporter from the daily newspaper Pikiran Rakyat was busy making quotations. Small libraries accessible to children is a good place to begin in their quest for intellectual growth. Stips is more than willing to help Indonesian children from illiteracy and ignorance.

Wouter communicated with the children who happened to be members of the Small Libraries Pilot Project ( Pondok Baca ) , organized by the team of the District on Literacy Promotion. He got the impression that those children aspired to be as well informed as their counterparts in more advanced countries. The aspirations came out to be so touching when expressed so plainly by the children themselves. No obviously doubt the children want to grow up intellectually.

During his brief stay in Bandung 25 June-30 July 2005, Wouter Stips who is one of the well-known painter - writer in Europe, especially to the children in The Netherlands worked so hard on this new book to manifest a communicative dialogue between parents and children about how both to perceive life. He gave the book a sweet title " Anak Dalam Hatiku Anak Dalam Diriku ?" The text based on story -telling by the children and written as the poems . The paintings allow children to use their imagination ( comments from Rtn Sunaryo ).

The book " Anak Dalam Hatiku Anak Dalam Diriku " due to begin printing in October/November 2005 and launched in February 2006. The book will appear in 2 languages: Dutch and Indonesian. Its English version : "Gentle Child Inside" is now still in consideration. 5000 copies will be available in each language.

Working on this book to be dedicated to Yayasan Pondok Baca Rotary Indonesia ( The D3400 Foundation of Small Libraries ), Stips admitted that he was working on his dream picture- where man and animals would get along and communicate freely-. Anything can happen in a picture just like what a child can fantasize.

A few months before he left for Indonesia, another nice family book of his creation was published.Titled " Ongeveer Zoveel hou ik van jou " that means That much I love You , talks about children and life. 3500 copies were sold in one and half month.

He said that books could be more than just a source of amusement; books allow spiritual fulfilment.

Wouter Stips was born in 1944. He is a father with three children and one grandaughter and the husband from an intellectual artist Martina. He was a graduate of The Academy of Fine Arts. He has been busy working in many galleries in Holland, France, England and Spain, creating and selling his graphic art works. Wouter was also invited to participate in painting and sculpture on the occasion of The Queen's 25th Regional Jubilee.

PP Sunaryo- the proprietor of Sunaryo Art Space Gallery - is Wouter Stips host. He expressed his interest in Wouter's spontaneous, even seemingly childish works. He deems these works to be aesthetically remarkable.
Rtn Sunaryo is convinced that Wouter Stips will be able to arouse children's interests in both pictures and texts and to attracts appreciation from the adullts. Regardless of forms, communication between children and adults is essential for a child intellectual growth.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Wouter Stips ( wawancara )

Bikin Buku di Selasar Sunaryo Art Space:
Wouter Stips, "Anak juga Butuh Bacaan"
Masa depan dunia bukan berada ditangan orang dewasa , tetapi berada di tangan anak anak......Berkembang atau tidaknya daya inteletualitas anak ternyata tidak ditentukan oleh esok hari, tetapi sangat ditentukan oleh apa yang terjadi hari ini.
Apalagi dunia saat ini, adalah dunia yang penuh 'pertarungan'.....

Untuk itu anak sangat membutuhkan bacaan yang bisa mencerdaskan dirinya.....sekalipun pengetahuan itu didapat dari sebuah karya fiksi... pada satu sisi akan memberikan dampak yang cukup besar bagi diri si anak, bahwa ia telah mengetahui sesuatu yang selama ini tidak diketahuinya.

Itulah sebagian ucapan Wouter Stips yang dirangkum oleh Soni Farid Maulana seorang reporter Harian Pikiran Rakyat, Bandung. Menyelenggarakan Pondok Baca yang mudah diakses anak anak, merupakan salah satu cara dalam upaya memenuhi daya intelektual mereka. Wouter sangat ingin turut serta membebaskan anak anak Indonesia dari buta huruf dan buta baca ( malas membaca).

Dari hasil percakapannya dengan anak anak anggota Pondok Baca yang di gagas oleh tim District Literacy Promotion,Wouter Stips berkesimpulan, bahwa mereka ingin hidup setara dengan anak anak yang tinggal di negara maju. Sangat mengharukan, karena diutarakan dengan kejujuran sudut pandang seorang anak. Munculnya keinginan seperti itu, menunjukkan mereka punya minat yang besar untuk terus tumbuh dengan cara belajar dan membaca buku lebih banyak lagi.

Berkaitan dengan hal ini, selama di Bandung dari tanggal 25 Juni sampai dengan 30 Juli 2005 , Wouter berupaya sedemikian keras untuk membuat bukunya yang memungkinkan terjadi dialog antara orang tua dan anaknya dalam memahami kehidupan. Judul buku tersebut adalah 'Anak Dalam Hatiku Anak Dalam Diriku
Beberapa bulan sebelum berangkat ke Indonesia, terbit sebuah bukunya yang indah,...a nice family book..., berjudul 'Ongeveer Zoveel hou ik van jou' yang artinya That Much I love You, berbicara tentang anak dan kehidupan.....dalam satu setengah bulan, terjual 3500 copies.

Pentingnya sebuah buku bukan saja untuk hiburan, katanya, tetapi juga untuk pemenuhan daya spritual. Dalam buku yang tengah ditulisnya sebagai charity untuk Yayasan Pondok Baca Indonesia, Wouter mengaku tengah melukis sesuatu yang diimpikannya. Sebuah pemandangan, misalnya dimana manusia dan binatang bertemu dan bermain tanpa ada halangan. Menurutnya, dalam lukisan semuanya bisa terjadi seperti yang terdapat dalam pikiran anak anak.

Wouter Stips kelahiran tahun 1944, adalah ayah 2 orang anak yang berangkat remaja, tamatan Academie of Fine Arts. Telah banyak seni grafis yang berbeda dipublikasikan dan terjual di Eropa dan lebih dari 50 pameran di galeri galeri terkenal di Belanda, Perancis, Inggris dan Spanyol yang diikutinya dan iapun diundang untuk membuat lukisan dan seni pahat dalam rangka Queens 25th Regional Jubilee.

Sementara itu, PP Sunaryo pemilik' Selasar Sunaryo Art Space' dimana Wouter diterima dengan sangat bersahabat, mengatakan sangat tertarik dengan karya karya Wouter Stips yang spontan, seperti kekanak kanakan, namun memancarkan daya estetik yang luar biasa. Dengan demikian, Rtn Sunaryo yakin, apa yang dilukisnya tidak hanya akan menarik minat si anak terhadap lukisan dan teks, tetapi juga membangkitkan minat orang dewasa untuk mengapresiasi. Dialog antara anak dan orang tua apapun bentuknya sangat penting bagi perkembangan dan pertumbuhan daya intelektual anak.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The History of the Indonesian Foundation

September 2002, in Bandung, a one day Seminar was held by D3400 in response to the Literacy Promotion declared by Rotary International to discuss about CLE ( Concentrated Language Encounter ) method and how to increase reading interest of people especially children in Indonesia.

Early in 2003, some efforts were made to locate building for the small libraries preferably those under the care of the Rotary Clubs. For example in a school compound with a number of student as Rotary Scholarship recipients.
Other posible location may include local mosque, church or other place in community.

Nine Rotary Clubs agreed to start with ten Small Library Pilot Project as the District 3400 Pilot Project.Initially used books were donated by the Rotarians with a small percentage of new books.

In June 2003, at District Conference in Semarang, the team of the Pilot Project had a talk with Rtn. Frans J.M. van den Brink from RC Hilversum- West the Netherlands, who was interested in the program and promised to help with the fund to develope the ten Pilot Project.

Mid 2004, fellow Rotarians from RC Hilversum-West organized the Hilversum-Alive Event to raise fund. The Cordaid Foundation in Den Haag contributed some fund that allowed RC Hilversum-West to transfer as much as 15.000 euro for the Pilot Project.

The fund was sent as Club to Club Service between RC Hilversum-West and RC Bandung Kota Kembang.It will be used to add new books and book shelves for three consecutive years.

Rtn Frans, Rtn Hans Westerveld came to Indonesia again and attended Bali 'celebrate 100 years Rotary' District Conference in February 2005.

Followed by Rtn Frans visits to Rotary Clubs in Bali, Makassar, Semarang and Purwokerto, he came to Bandung for a week 20 March-27 March 2005 to visit the Small Library pilot project. He was so delighted that he promised to help with 100 Small libraries to be under the care of all the Rotary Clubs of D3400, Indonesia.

In one discussion, it was agreed that the fund would be used to finance the project for the next five years adopting the same system of the Pilot Project.
Due to the large of the fund, fellow Rotarians from RC Hilvesum- West suggested that an independent foundation be set up.

Upon the consents of PDG T.Syamsu and IDG Rodolfo C. Balmater ( The Foundation) Yayasan Pondok Baca Rotary Indonesia was established at 6 June 2005 with DR. Wiratni Ahmadi SH Notary Public witnessing.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Small Libraries Project

Small Libraries Project
"pondok baca"

The word ‘Literate’ does not refer to the ability to read and write only, but it also means continual application of reading and writing such as an extent, where the practitioner represents his/her thought clearly and understandably.

The problem of ‘illiteracy’ affecting our society requires observation and close attention in order to find the appropriate formula specific to the condition of the target community.

Many children cannot afford to get proper education. They become the target of our problem and the program intends to help them to be intellectually healthy and morally sound. The children must have enough interest in reading, which may provide them with a skill to deal with life’s problems.

Concern has been aroused by the fact, than even urban children lack interest, as an unhappy result of the absence of libraries as well as scarcity of fund.
The program of PONDOK BACA is to be applied to both rural and urban communities, preferably those served by the Rotary Club. It’s extremely difficult to find a good library, even in urban community. On the other hand, people do not consider books a priority. People’s income goes mainly to life’s essentials, but not books.

Our survey, shows that there are many POSYANDU’s (Child Care) building in most local community, called RW that have not been used effectively. These buildings get used a few times only in a month, for a few hours each times. They may be perfectly suitable to be used as a library building as well. It takes a huge sum of start a library. The buildings, the books and all sort of accessories never come cheap.

In Bandung, a number of Posyandu buildings have been used as libraries under the name of PONDOK BACA initiated by the Rotary Club. People around the libraries show their heartfelt for the fact that the books and magazines provided there may be used by everyone.

The board of libraries consists of local people, responsible to the Rotary club by means of regular reports, while the library attendants are given some training on basic library management.

The most importance thing is that there must be a person of the local community trustworthy enough to be the mediator between the Rotary club and the community.

The Rotary club also helps schools’ libraries and those found in other public places such as mosque and other places of worship.

Our State on Companies could be part of the team in renovation of Posyandu buildings, provided that the fund application is sign by local people.
The Rotary club determined to establish a PONDOK BACA with reasonable amenities, such as enough lighting and good ventilation, rest room and wash basin.
In certain areas facilities provided by PONDOK BACA could be far better than what is available at home.
These small libraries manage in a good system. Likewise, we made the cataloging, the rules for borrowing books home and other arrangements as we find in a library. This small libraries are expected to be community's libraries for years in the future.
PP. Lies Nusyirwan
District Officer on Literacy Promotion chairperson

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sejarah berdirinya Yayasan Pondok Baca Rotary Indonesia

Ketika Literacy Promotion menjadi program utama Rotary International;diadakan One Day Seminar D3400 bulan September 2002 untuk pertama kalinya.Kita semua menyadari betpa pentingnya perpustakaan untuk meningkatkan minat baca anak/masyarakat.

Awal tahun 2003 dijajaki lokasi/gedung yang mungkin dijadikan perpustakaan;yang diutamakan adalah lokasi yang menjadi binaan Rotary Clubs. Satu komplek Sekolah Dasar yang terdiri dari beberapa sekolah,dimana sebagian muridnya diberi bantuan bea siswa. Perpustakaan di mesjid, gereja atau di RW/Kelurahan.

Atas kesepakatan 9 Rotary Club yang berada di Bandung,didirikan sepuluh Pilot Project Pondok Baca ( D3400 Pilot Project ).Buku buku yang dapat diberikan adalah buku buku bekas sumbangan dari para Rotarian, hanya sebagian saja yang berupa buku baru.Sampai akhirnya bertemu dengan Rtn Frans J.M.van den Brink dari RC Hilversum-West pada waktu District Conference di Semarang Juni 2003 berjanji akan mengusahakan bantuan dana untuk sepuluh Pilot Project.

Pertengahan tahun 2004, fellow Rotarians dari RC Hilversum-West mengadakan Hilversum Alive event untuk maksud tersebut dan dengan bantuan Cordiad Foundation di Den Haag dapat mengirimkan dana 15.000 euro.
Bantuan ini dikirim sebagai Club to Club Service antara RC Hilversum-West dengan RC Bandung Kota Kembang.Seluruh dana akan dipakai untuk membeli buku buku baru dan tambahan rak buku selama tiga tahun berturut turut.

Setelah District Conference di Bali Februari 2005, Rtn Frans berkunjung ke beberapa kota dimana terjalin kerjasama RC Hilversum-West dengan beberapa Club seperti di Bali , Makassar, Semarang dan Purwokerto. Terakhir berkunjung ke Bandung selama seminggu dari tanggal 20 Maret sampai dengan tanggal 27 Maret untuk meninjau pilot project Pondok Baca.
Pada saat itu, sebagai kelanjutan project ini, Rtn Frans berketetapan hati untuk membantu mendanai 100 Pondok Baca dibawah asuhan 100 club di D3400; selama 5 tahun berturut turut dengan memakai sistem yang sama dengan pilot project.

Karena dana ini akan sangat besar nilainya, fellow Rotarians dari RC Hilversum-West Netherlands menyarankan supaya mendirikan Foundation tersendiri untuk menyimpan dana yang akan dikirim.
Atas izin dari PDG T. Syamsu dan IDG Rodolfo C. Balmater pada waktu itu, maka didirikanlah foundation yang dimaksud dengan nama Yayasan Pondok Baca Rotary Indonesia